
Visualizing the Future: The Importance of Visual Data Management for Utilities - A T&D World Webchat with Jay Jenkins

A T&D World Webchat with Jay Jenkins
06 18 2024 TDW CYBERHAWK webchat MP4 1673003 00 02 17 27 Still004
16 Jul 2024

Drones have created a problem...

Historically much of the focus of visual inspections has been solving the puzzles of quality, speed, efficiency and safety - and drones facilitated some monumental leaps forward in all of these aspects, allowing inspectors to collect huge amounts of high-quality data quicker than ever before.

But this progress has given rise to suite of new challenges, foremost of which is how to quickly and accurately derive meaning and make decisions on these new, potentially overwhelming, streams of visual data.

In light of these challenges, Visual Data Management (VDM) solutions have become paramount, not only to derive the most value from UAS inspection programs, but also to allow programs to scale to meet growing demands. Companies considering VDMs are faced with complex questions, such as:

  • Do we need a VDM?
  • Which VDM is right for us?
  • Will a VDM integrate into our current systems?
  • Will a VDM provide other ancillary benefits?

On June 18th, Cyberhawk's VP of Solutions, Jay Jenkins, joined T&D World to explore these questions and more in the second in our series of live webchats. Watch the full episode below:

If you missed the first in this series, entitled 'What to expect when you're inspecting' with Cyberhawk CCO Matt Zafuto, you can catch up for free here: